This is a follow up to February's blog. God is so faithful! Sometimes I just can't get over it. Last night in class, my professor said a statement that instantly brought tears to my eyes. He said that when we don't have the ability to do something in our strength, it is God's opportunity to do it for us only if we ask, and then he will do it. In February's blog I talked about believing God to do it and not relying on the our flesh. But I tell you it's still being revealed in me. Sometimes we have the ability to think too hard and it prevents us from seeing things simply, factually. When my professor said you need to ask him to do it if you can't, I instantly thought of everything I have not been able to do in my own strength. Like my weight and wanting good health above all else.
My professor went back to referencing his previous statement when he went on to persuasive writing techniques. In order to persuade someone to see your point of view, they must be willing to see the benefits of your argument before they will change. No one changes their beliefs until they have found a solid reason for why they should change. We can understand this because we live how we believe not on what we know. He went on to say that is the only way someone decides to start living a healthy lifestyle, or stop smoking. They have been convinced to change when evidence presents itself that is stronger than the evidence they currently have.
This is the only time change happens! Then he said that when we don't have the strength to change we can ask God to give us the convincing evidence for change and WE WILL CHANGE. It will be lasting change because again, this is the only way that change happens. When a smoker goes to the doctor and the doctor says that if he doesn't stop smoking he will be dead within a few years based on these certain conditions that have already taken shape in his body. The doctor then tells him that he has time right now to reverse it if he quits. But if he doesn't, he will not be here in a few years. If that smoker is convinced of this overwhelming evidence that the doctor will show him like tests and scans, his mind starts changing at that moment. Even if he has another cigarette after he leaves the doctor's office. This time when he smokes the cigarette, visions of what he saw on the tests and statements of the doctor start repeating in his head. This happens repeatedly if he continues to smoke. Then he starts saying to others, "You know, I really need to stop smoking." After a short amount of time if he stays convinced of the evidence, it will be enough to override the pleasure he wants had for smoking. Irrespective of using something to help him stop. The point is he stopped when convinced.
I now know exactly what I was missing. I'm missing the will to change. I want to change, but I have never been convinced enough to change. But wanting to and having the will to change is two different things. What the world calls lack of willpower to change, we should call lack of asking God for the will to change! Now some of you may have started a journey like this before where you were convinced and you made changes. But there is something that happens to all of us. It's called impatience. All of a sudden we can't wait on God to go fast enough to give us life long change because we can still feel our flesh(thoughts) trying to take over again. So normal! The key is, in those moments fall back on God again!!! Those are the moments that show our faith is in HIM and not us. So here's my prayer that I will share with you:
Lord, you gave me Gal 2:19-21 as a standard in my life for change. I now understand thatI was never meant to live my life by own strength, never. Because you live in me, I willl never trust in my flesh again. I will only live by having faith in you to deliver me and to give me your thoughts and desires for me.
Romans 6:6 says that since you died for me and my flesh died with you, I do not have to be a slave to my flesh any longer. I thank you Lord that from now on, I will come to you for any of my weaknesses in the flesh. I will have faith in you that YOU will change me. You never made it my responsibility to change. You made it my responsibility to have faith in you that you would change me. I have never allowed you to do this in me completely, and I do so now. Lord send me your CONVINCING EVIDENCE in the areas of my life that I need to make a life long change of habits.
From this moment on, I will not use my excuses, my plans, or doubts that it will ever happen for me in those areas. It's not up to me anymore. I have asked you. Your strength is made perfect through my weaknesses. As I yield myself to your words and direction, you will give me the evidence I need to be convinced to change my life. Speak your plan over me Lord! It will never return void. You require that I listen, agree, decree, and then patiently wait for you.
My mind is now changed. I thank you for the visions, rhema and logos words that will come to me now that I have faith only in you and not me.