I am so excited! Why?... I don't know
! I think it's because I can feel change is coming.
Actually, it's already here. What I have noticed with God is that he opens the door to opportunities but never insist that we walk through those doors. He is like a good parent that shares with you the benefits of going down a path they know will lead to success. Then they smile at you with an enticing smile that hopes you choose the right path, but it's your decision. The child then slightly smiles back at the parent while internally trying to figure out exactly what they want to believe, what the parent said or should they make my own decision.
I feel like that's what our father is doing with us right now. If we choose his path it won't mean it will be a less bumpy road, we know that. As a matter of fact, it's the uncertainty of that path that makes you hesitate. A parent would say, "if you follow this right path now it will mean more work, but the end result will get you the reward you're looking for". But you're already familiar with how the road you're on looks like at least for another few miles anyway. Hey, you're still making it. It's not perfect but God is with you on this path too, right? Why change and go down this other path when I don't know where it's going to take me because it's so unfamiliar to any life I've ever known. Yea, there are some on that right path that I've witnessed that just don't seem to go through as much as you seem to go through, and it seems they've been given some special instructions about the path that you don't seem to be getting. This even further makes you want to continue on the path you've already been on. But I'm sorry to tell you that in this season of newness and growth, both naturally and spiritually, your father is enticingly smiling at you and asking will you take this new path.
Okay, so what does this mean? At our last gathering we put this new path to the test. It was a wonderful meeting, of course! But we took it to another level purposely designed to yield our issues completely to God. Based on the things I talked about over Stephani's house regarding being completely open with each other and going deeper in trusting each other. We can truly be a group of women sharing wisdom with each other in a safe environment of love for one another.
I reiterated this point at our last gathering over Bernadette's BEAUTIFUL HOUSE. I expressed to the ladies what God had been showing me since the last time we got together, and how he was stretching me basically to go down this new path and trust him. Then I shared my testimony of what this new path looked like in my life over the last year of hell 2007. Believe me my road was indeed bumpy! But out of it came this new person who knows I can trust God with everything!!! I can lay down my life on this path and stifle my "feelings" for his directions on what I should be doing, no matter how I feel about it. I came out of this with a boldness I have never experienced before in God. I can look anyone in the eye and tell them to trust and believe in God with everything you got, never ever give up until you get EXACTLY what you want from God. And make sure you think BIG in what you need God to do for you. Be specific, be determined, and know exactly what you want it to look like when it's over with, then start CLAIMING IT WITH KEY, SPECIFIC SCRIPTURES UNTIL YOU GET IT. Sorry for the caps but it's just this serious. Aren't we tired of Satan entering our life with his scrap and trying to destroy our faith in our God?
Aren't you tired of "trying to figure out God" and what he wants you to do? Hey, how about trying ALL of God. How about believing that God can do exceeding abundantly above all that you could ever ask or even think, and then actually living that way. How about that! I believe that those are the special instructions others seem to have that makes their life look like they never go through anything. If you know you are not going to come out smelling like smoke then why would you act like you're in the fire! Act just like the 3 Hebrew boys and go on with your day in the midst of the fire. Remember, they did not choose to worship that idol, but at the time of the day of that worship they went separately to worship their true God. So then when they were thrown into the fire at the time of the idol worship, they still did their thing, they started worshipping their God right in the fire. Yes! So what did I do throughout 2007? I continued to worship my God in the midst of the fire, no one knew what I was going through because all they saw was me at church, worshipping.
(You had to be at our last gathering to know my trial, maybe we will share again)
Until next time,
Coach Teresa