Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Do small groups work??

I have had 2 conversations recently regarding small groups and if they work at CLC. One came from leadership and they expressed the opinion that CLC is not a small group culture and so they don't work here. I begged to differ with them because I don't look at the outcomes for answers. I always look at the structure of things for answers because it tells you how the outcome came to be.

When you compare Willow Creek church, which has succeeded in small groups, with CLC you see what happened within the structure. Willow Creek's pastor preached small groups just about every 4 sentences within most of his messages for years in order to be successful in the buy-in of the congregation as a whole. He also structured his church operation and leadership structure around small group functions. Point blank, it was weaved into their DNA as a church.

So what happened with us? Why didn't it work? The answer appears pretty simple. It was not weaved into our DNA as a church. Meaning, it was not enforced when the children acted up or didn't act like they were suppose to. Like a parent, someone should have said, "don't ever give up until you succeed, you can do it", every time there seem to be a distraction in keeping the small group culture going. I think this is also the reason why the pastor at Willow Creek spoke on their small group culture every WEEK. They noticed "life" could get in the way of a successful small group culture. My definition of "life" has always been, "an interruption in your daily activities." That could mean sickness in your family or you, a death of a love one, or special projects you take on for a season. "Life" happens, and the proof of life happening is your house ends up getting dirty!!

You look up two months later and if no one has checked on you, you end up sliding away from your small group. Or if you led one, you don't schedule the next one due to "life" happening to you. Then you write, "I'll let you know when the next meeting is scheduled." You really mean it too. But with no one to encourage the culture, life moves on and you end up looking at your other small group members saying, "we really ought to get together..............."

Can I tell you another little secret, since we're being so honest here. I can't think of more than a handful of times that I truly couldn't wait to be at my small group meeting. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy small groups for the fellowship. But somehow, when I get off of work that evening of the small group I get sad that I have to leave my house again. I fantasize about what I would do if I didn't have to go to small group tonight. I remember one small group I was a part of and we moved our gatherings to Saturdays for just that reason. Well you know what happened? I then felt like I was dragging myself out of the house now because I was already in my comfortable clothes and I had on no makeup and I don't feel like interrupting my Saturday and leaving my house!!

I know, this is the ugly only child in me I'm sharing with you. But you know what always happens when I leave the house? A wonderful, spirit lifting, love fest goes on when I get there and by the end I can't imagine not being there that night. It has happended to me every time with every small group I have been in. When those groups stop meeting we wonder how on earth did that ever happen.

Well guess what, it is not going to happen with the ladies I am with now. NEVER, EVER. I am fighting tooth and nail not to allow that to happen again. I am still envisioning us preparing food and cooking together in the kitchen while the men folk are taking care of the grill outside with a little dominoes or spades with Johnnie Taylor, Otis Redding, the Staples Sisters and Al Green are playing in the background. Has it been so long that you have forgotten what a good backyard b-b-q is about? Well I haven't and darn it, I want one before the end of summer. So I am not going to give up. "I will let you know when the next b-b-q is scheduled. ":)

Coach Teresa

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